Most consider being open-minded a virtue.
I suspect many, though, have difficulty with what it really means.
Most consider being open-minded a virtue.
I suspect many, though, have difficulty with what it really means.
We have a difficult time comprehending really large and really small numbers.
This often makes us vulnerable to misunderstanding and manipulation.
We use the word “should” an awful lot.
The problem is each use is an implicit judgement, and sometimes even an implied commitment.
This is difficult for me to accept, but accept it I must.
Language is fluid and ever changing. It’s a slow change, but it’s a change, nonetheless.
I mentioned in my thoughts on hypocrisy that many consider changing your mind a flaw.
For example, it’s rare that a politician will change their mind, at least publicly, for fear of a backlash.
And yet, changing your mind is one of the most important things we can be capable of doing.
It needs to be celebrated, not derided.
One of aspects of politics that frustrates me to no end is the rampant hypocrisy.
In order to pander to their base, politicians say or do just about anything, regardless of their own beliefs on the matter.
And then we’re surprised they behave other than they claimed they would.
It’s scary how frequently interpersonal communication — the ability to communicate a simple idea from one person to another — fails.
The most obvious cases are when we see someone say X, mean Y, and the other person hears Z. It can be quite amazing to witness.
Empathy — the ability to understand, accept, and even feel the feelings being experienced by others — makes many people uncomfortable.
And yet it’s a requirement for a healthy society.
Face it, you’re going to make a mess of it. You’re going to screw it up. We all do. Whatever “it” is, we make mistakes. Many of them.
What matters is not that you’ve made them, or even how many you’ve made.
It’s what happens next that matters most.
Skepticism has served me well, and I wish more people were more skeptical than they are.
To begin with, I do not think it means what you think it means.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
“Moderation in all things” is a saying we’ve heard so often that it’s become almost meaningless.
And yet, it’s important.
Here’s a lesson learned from being an online publisher: you will be judged, whether you like it or not.
And you will be judged harshly, unfairly, and repeatedly.
And the vast majority of it doesn’t matter in the least.
I have become convinced that nothing has harmed humanity more than religion.
This is unrelated to whether you believe in a god.
This is all about the organizations and individuals taking advantage of you if you do.
Abortion is a significantly more complex issue than many would have us believe.
It’s much, much more than killing babies versus letting women control their own bodies. It’s a toxic mishmash of biology, religion, politics, and power.
If you set aside all the competing irrelevant agendas, it boils down to one unanswerable question.
This is almost in direct opposition to my thoughts on “the secret.”
I also can’t explain it, but I’ve seen it often enough to believe.
The universe rewards a positive attitude.
A few years ago there was a movie, and a follow on book, called “The Secret“.
Oversimplifying, I’m sure, but “the secret” boiled down to something called “manifestation.” Basically, if you regularly envision or call to mind your desires, the universe will conspire to make those dreams happen.
On the surface, it’s bullshit. The top layers are even bullshit. But dig a little deeper and there’s an interesting kernel of truth.
I’m starting to notice that many more people have suffered trauma in their lives than I ever would have imagined.
I mean actual, life altering events that in retrospect we would refer to as trauma.
We are a damaged species. Each and every one of us, it would appear.
“Privilege” is a difficult term to define, and to talk about.
To some, it’s a derogatory term applied to those who have more than they do, or used to call out those who don’t behave as they “should.”
It’s not really a bad thing, but how we address it can be.