One year ago I made a decision.
A decision to do something that, in the past, I truly believed was impossible for me to do.
And yet here I am.
As you may or may not know, my parents were immigrants, arriving first in Canada after leaving The Netherlands, and then settling here in the United States just a few years later. With all relatives nearly 5,000 miles to the east, communication consisted primarily of hand-written letters that took anywhere from a week to ten … Read more
It’s been awhile since I posted an update on Dagmar’s chemotherapy, so … No news is very good news. Dagmar finished her chemotherapy a couple of weeks ago and all is well. As I was telling our regular vet just the other day, aside from the original discovery, and one trip to the ER, and … Read more
Disrupt Aging: A Bold New Path to Living Your Best Life at Every Age by Jo Ann Jenkins Before I step into my concerns I want to be very clear about something: this is an excellent book. The concept of what it means to “age” is rapidly changing. To quote the book: Today most of us … Read more
The internet has been billed as a great equalizer, bringing information and the promise of improved education and knowledge to all. The results so far aren’t quite what we expected.
Since the last post was all about Dagmar’s ER visit, I didn’t want to leave that as the most recent post here on my blog. Short version: chemotherapy continues, but she’s doing really well. Ever since the events that lead up to the ER visit (and the errors made by the vet there), we’ve been … Read more
(Originally posted on Facebook, moved here for easier access for friends not on Facebook….) Dagmar’s at the emergency vet [Thursday], and may be there for a day or so. (Update: she’s home! See updates below.) After Monday’s chemotherapy she started to take a somewhat expected dive yesterday morning, refusing food. (Never a good sign in … Read more
The first of the four noble truths, as articulated by The Buddha, depending on how you translate it, is simply this: Life is suffering. In recent months it seems that in an above-average number of my circle of friends and acquaintances there has been an above-average amount of what can only be termed suffering. From … Read more
Has it really been 12 years since I started Ask Leo!? Holy… well, holy something. (I’ve found that someone will get offended at whatever I put there. Sigh.) Anyhoo… as is my tradition here are some of the odd, strange and off-the-wall questions I’ve received over the course of the last year. All in their unedited … Read more
One year ago I made a decision.
A decision to do something that, in the past, I truly believed was impossible for me to do.
And yet here I am.
Ever since Windows 8 came out life has not been simple for folks programming radios. The problems were many:
At least, those are the problems I’ve encountered and heard of.
As of today I have them all solved for my little corner of amateur radio and more.
Earlier this year I stumbled into a very serendipitous series of news reports. And I spent a few minutes visiting a new web site. And I made a new friend.
More importantly I made a decision.
As a result, I have become my own 80/20 rule.
Vague enough? OK, here’s what happened.
It’s that time of year again where I celebrate the anniversary of Ask Leo! by sharing some of the off-the-wall questions that I’ve received over the course of the year.
This year the number seems smaller than usual. Not sure if we’re holding our weirdness to a higher standard, or if the number of oddball requests is decreasing.
Nonetheless, exactly as submitted, with the answer I’d love to give, this years WTH (What The Heck? – or something like that) questions.
Pole version 1 was a feeble affair attempting to use plastic conduit. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.
I’ve written about version 2, and was quite pleased with how it turned out. It remains a viable solution for many situations. It’s also a proper subset of version 3.
Version 3 adds two new pieces of hardware for a more stable, and further reaching solution.
One of the lessons learned from our group’s activities at the Oso mudslide was that sometimes it would be very, very, VERY handy to be able to get an antenna up in the air – say an additional 20 to 30 feet – to get over nearby obstacles and otherwise get a better and clearer signal – both in and out.
As a result, I now have a portable (loosely defined) pole/mast that in theory could get up to 40 feet high.
At an event last year I was one of a handful of amateur radio operators who used a smartphone application (APRSDriod in my case) to report my position to the operation control center via APRS (Automated Packet Reporting System, often erroneously yet somewhat more accurately referred to as Automated Position Reporting System). Other than draining the battery if unplugged, the smartphone aps actually do a pretty good job of mimicking an APRS radio.
As long as there’s cellular coverage, that is.
And that’s, indeed, where portions of that exercise stumbled. As it turns out relatively large areas of the routes we were covering were cellular dead-zones, depending on the carrier. As a result our position often wasn’t being updated in anything close to a timely fashion. While I was safely and calmly riding around in my vehicle, my understanding is that chaos and frustration resulted back at net control.
I resolved not to contribute to that problem this year and set out to assemble a “real” APRS radio.
The various photo-sharing sites I use don’t support animated GIF files, but this was too cute not to share: More from our visit to the breeder here.
The address on the driver’s license made it pretty clear: the home of the woman pictured no longer existed.
I’d volunteered to spend a day at the Oso slide area working on what was called “property reunification” – essentially bagging and tagging items that the search and rescue crews had recovered and identified as potentially valuable in the hopes their owners – or surviving family members – would be able to identify and claim their belongings. Even though no radio work was involved, having been previously vetted when I joined my emergency communications group allowed me to volunteer to work at the site.
Veterans day has always made me a little uneasy. It wasn’t until recently that I finally put my finger on it.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Ask Leo!
What a long, strange, trip it’s been.
Made stranger by some of the questions I get. 🙂
Here’s this year’s collection of the odd, the strange, the goofy … the “WTF?” questions I regularly get, exactly as they were asked – and the answers I’d love to give.
For what it’s worth, this year the “wierdness rate” has decreased – not sure why. There weren’t quite as many to choose from. Perhaps people are getting smarter. Perhaps overall traffic to Ask Leo! was down this year. However it does seem like this years smaller batch includes some who tried extra hard at being … odd.
Or, rather, the “Accident” … as it was actually quite intentional.
I recently stumbled upon the pictures associated with the event, and since this is one of our “life stories” that we tell folks about from time to time I decided to share here…
This all takes place on Friday the 13th of December, 1985.