On The Struggles of Others

Sitting on the dock.
(Image: canva.com)

There are several pithy aphorisms floating around the internet these days. Motivational sayings, aspirational reminders, pithy invitations to become a better person, that kind of thing. Most are like candy — short, sweet, but with little value.

There’s one, though, I find an important reminder.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.

The admonition is to be kind to everyone because you just don’t know what it is they’re dealing with; either in the moment or in their lives.

It’s not that we’re entitled to know — we are not — it’s that as generalizations go, this one is frighteningly accurate. Everyone is dealing with something. All. The. Time.

You have yours. I have mine. Our friends and family have theirs. We don’t know what they are, but we know they exist.

Cut that asshole in traffic a little slack because they’re battling something internal.

Give Karen a little space, because whatever she’s arguing about is likely a problem much deeper, and much more personal, than needing to see a manager.

You get the idea. We are so quick to judge, and in doing so, don’t take time to consider that there may be so much more going on we’re unaware of. So much more.

If people knew what you were dealing with, you’d hope they’d be more understanding and accepting.

Be that for others.

You just do not know what demons they’re dealing with.

2 thoughts on “On The Struggles of Others”

  1. It is my own struggle and pain that has the potential for me to notice others’ grief. I cannot be
    distressed enough, however, to be a morally helpful agent of comfort, if, at some point in my
    life, I have not accustomed myself with the possibilities of forgiveness for my own guilty
    transgressions. Acknowledgement of my shadow self assures a clear vision that myself and
    other are one. By my considered choice, then, I can choose the most healthy thought and
    thereby, be a possible vehicle for another to allow their inner self to respond to their own highest good

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