A few years ago there was a movie, and a follow on book, called “The Secret“.
Oversimplifying, I’m sure, but “the secret” boiled down to something called “manifestation.” Basically, if you regularly envision or call to mind your desires, the universe will conspire to make those dreams happen.
On the surface, it’s bullshit. The top layers are even bullshit. But dig a little deeper and there’s an interesting kernel of truth.
When I think of manifesting, it usually runs along the lines of:
- I want a bike
- Every day I will dream of the bike that I want. I’ll make vision boards, and affirmations, and all sorts of things manifesting my desire.
- As a result, the universe will somehow deliver me a bike.
As I said, bullshit.
A process that works looks more like this.
- I want a bike
- Every day I do something tangible, moving me closer to being able to get a bike. I’ll get a job, save money, do the research, and so on.
- As a result, someday I will purchase myself a bike.
Here’s where it gets really weird. Let’s say you’re a person who takes the first, manifesting approach. And you end up with a bike — provided by the universe, even!
What happened?
Perhaps this happened:
- I want a bike
- Every day I will dream of the bike that I want. I’ll make vision boards, and affirmations, and all sorts of things that manifest my desire.
- Unconsciously, I’ll also do things that move me closer to being able to get a bike. Perhaps I’ll ask the right person, perhaps I’ll start saving for something else. Regardless, since it’s constantly on my mind, I’ll take steps, even though I don’t realize that I’m moving myself closer to being able to get a bike.
- As a result of that, I get a bike. I think it’s from the universe, but it was me all along.
We like to delude ourselves.
The technique remains a valuable one, as long as you take responsibility for being the moving force.
- I want a bike
- Every day I will remind myself of my goal of having a bike, to motivate myself.
- As a result, every day I do something tangible moving me closer to being able to get a bike.
- As a result, I’m able to get a bike.
It’s this latter form that’s the most effective.
The “secret”? You, not the universe, can make things happen.
You are the secret.
PS: no, I do not want a bike. Just putting that out to the universe.
This is so profound! I had often wondered the same thing, and you put it on paper so perfectly. Thanks’ for saying “YOU are the secret”. I love these posts, you’re so wise.