Empathy — the ability to understand, accept, and even feel the feelings being experienced by others — makes many people uncomfortable.
And yet it’s a requirement for a healthy society.
Empathy — the ability to understand, accept, and even feel the feelings being experienced by others — makes many people uncomfortable.
And yet it’s a requirement for a healthy society.
It amazes me how much casual conversation, and of course gossip, is about judging the people around us. Be it celebrities, neighbors, friends, or others, we have a pre-occupation with forming, and then sharing, opinions about their behaviour.
There are several pithy aphorisms floating around the internet these days. Motivational sayings, aspirational reminders, pithy invitations to become a better person, that kind of thing. Most are like candy — short, sweet, but with little value.
There’s one, though, I find an important reminder.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.